als auch mündlich Technologie-Stack-Vorteil: Grundkenntnisse in Softwareentwicklung, Java, SQL, JIRA, Confluence Wir bieten GK ermöglicht jederzeit mobiles Arbeiten in Deutschland Wir legen Wert
SIMATIC IT MES, Teamcenter X and Camstar & Opcenter • Advanced programming skills in Siemens environments such as SIMATIC IT and, if applicable, in Java and SQL • Several years of professional experience as
Execution Systems, including SIMATIC IT MES, Teamcenter X and Camstar & Opcenter • Advanced programming skills in Siemens environments such as SIMATIC IT and, if applicable, in Java and SQL • Several years of
wie z.B. Java oder Python sowie im Umgang mit Webservices & APIs Fundierte Erfahrung in Data-Warehouse bzw. Data-Lakehouse Architekturen (Schichtenmodelle, relationale Modellierung etc.) Fundierte Erfahrung
Java Documentation of software design using UML and AsciiDoctor Continuous optimization and maintenance of existing user interfaces regarding usability, performance, and responsive design Conducting
way of working Good English skills, both written and spoken Technology stack advantage: Software development basisk, Java, SQL, JIRA, Confluence We offer GK enables mobile working anywhere